From every nation: building an inter-ethnic church

In April 2024, teams from twenty of our YBA churches attended our Inter-Ethnic Church Conference at Wakefield. The day was full of energy, joy, connection and much learning as we listened to speakers and stories of what some churches across our Baptist family were doing as they explored moving from multi-ethnic to inter-ethnic churches. Teams left with action plans they were going to implement back in their worshipping communities. Feedback from the conference was hugely positive.

 Becoming an inter-ethnic church takes more than a conference: it takes commitment over a period of time where we are willing to examine and work on different aspects of church life together so everyone, no matter their ethnicity or background, can find a place of true belonging where their gifts, callings and contributions are truly welcome, where they can flourish. It takes culture change.

The YBA is now offering the opportunity for churches who wish to do so, to go on a two year journey together, meeting every six months in a learning community where we will receive fresh input from those who are ahead on this journey, worship together, share more stories from across our YBA family of churches, make plans for the following six months, share these with other churches, and pray for and with one another.

As with the Conference, you are invited to bring an ethnically diverse cohort of about 5 people from your church and be committed to the four learning communities over the next two years: November 2024, May and November 2025 and May 2026.

The first learning community is taking place in Huddersfield on Saturday, 9th November 2024.

Further details and booking can be found here

And if you have any questions before booking, please do contact Nike Adebajo directly.


Reflections on Ignite!


Candy Cane - Orders!