Baptist Family Links
We relate to a number of other organisations including:
BUGB or Baptists Together is the Baptist family in England and Wales (there is also the Baptist Union of Wales). It is made up of churches, regional associations, the national resource centre and Baptist colleges. The Union works with others in mission locally, regionally and internationally.
BMS is an evangelical mission agency transforming the lives of people in fragile states and under-evangelised communities, among the world's most marginalised people, on four continents.
Northern Baptist College is a learning community in Manchester which seeks to equip leaders for a changing church and a changing world.
St Hild College is a pioneering theological institution for Yorkshire and the surrounding regions. It has been formed by the merger of The Yorkshire Ministry Course and St Barnabas Theological Centre. In 2024 the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry joined BUGB.
The Blackley Centre, Elland, is a welcoming, safe and inspiring meeting place for people seeking to transform conflict and make peace, for people of all faiths to develop and grow in understanding and friendship, for retreats, away days, meetings, training and conferences.
Baptist Insurance offers church and home insurance - and it awards grants to the Baptist family to support evangelistic projects.
Thrive - Networking for spouses of UK Baptist ministers in mission, ministry, training and retirement.