Making Room: Together making disciples and multiplying churches YBA Assembly & AGM 2024

In May this year, we were blessed as we gathered for our Association Assembly alongside so many from our YBA churches and further afield. We worshipped and prayed together. We celebrated as we welcomed new churches into membership and heard about the releasing of resources to support and grow existing churches. And we shared learning in our seminar sessions looking at a variety of topics.

David Skeet, minister at West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth has written the following reflection:

“As I sit down to reflect on my day at the Yorkshire Baptist Assembly, I find myself filled with a sense of gratitude for the depth of love and fellowship amongst the Association. The day was filled with moments of spiritual connection, community, and personal growth, leaving a deeper impact on my heart and mind.

The Assembly also provided an opportunity to connect with fellow attendees, forging new friendships and deepening existing ones. It was also great to see two new churches being welcomed into the Association and Baptist Union, hearing all that God is doing amongst these communities. 

Personally, one of the key takeaways from the Assembly was the power of collective worship. As we joined together in song, prayer, and reflection around the theme of making room, I felt a sense of unity that transcended individual differences. Particularly as we continue to face a difficult period of decline and indifference. It also served as a reminder of the importance of coming together to celebrate our shared faith and Baptist identity. As well as seeking ways to make disciples by multiplying healthy churches across Yorkshire.

I was struck by the depth of the message shared by our keynote speaker, Rev Dr Girma Bishaw. Girma’s words resonated with many people, challenging us to reflect on how we are to make room for God and for others. I found myself grappling with questions of the purpose of our churches, our identity, and the nature of hospitality. 

There were several afternoon seminars to choose from, all offering a wide range of theological reflection, along with some practical ways to help us grow healthier churches. I attended a session that explored the question: How do we creatively make room for children, youth and families to grow in faith and to explore new ways of being church? Led by Jodie Thorpe, YBA CYF Enabler. Jodie had invited leaders from South Ossett and South Craven Churches.  One particular moment that stands out to me, during this session, was the stories shared by the leaders. Stories of new creative ideas to reach young people and the struggles of getting various projects up and running. It isn’t all straightforward, mistakes can be made, it can be tough at times, but there is the overwhelming sense that God is leading us to do new things. It served as a great reminder of the importance of prayer, support, encouragement as we seek transformation through the good news of Jesus Christ to the lives of so many people within our own communities. 

As I reflect on my day at the Yorkshire Baptist Assembly, I am reminded of the transformative power of faith in Jesus and community. It was a day filled with moments of inspiration, reflection, and connection, leaving me with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude. I leave with a deeper longing to see people come to know Jesus in a real and tangible way, and a commitment to carry the spirit of the assembly with me in my daily life.”

And Charlotte Henard, Newly Accredited Minister at The Well Church, Sheffield offered this:

“A standout moment of the YBA Assembly & AGM for me was a small but powerful line uttered by YBA Team Leader Graham Ensor. He shared the wonderful news of the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry being affiliated as a member College of the Baptist Union, and its vision to provide theological and missional training to the many, not the few, and to develop a pipeline of missional leaders who will participate in the re-evangelisation of the North. The line Graham uttered was this: "In the Baptist family, Yorkshire is known for leading the way in planting and pioneering." Wow! I personally know a number of people who have either moved to, or back to, Yorkshire to be a part of what God is doing across our Association. How exciting that God would invite us to participate in His great mission and draw others into what He is doing here. May we continue to be a people who keep the Good News of Jesus central, living as missional disciples, releasing missional leaders and planting growing churches in Yorkshire.”

And as we left to return to our homes and communities, we were challenged to write ourselves a note for action and reflection. If you wrote one of these notes, it is now winging it’s way to you! Do keep an eye out for it landing on your door mat very soon!

And we look forward to hearing stories of how you have been “Making Room” in the coming months and years in Yorkshire.

Save the date!
Join the YBA at the 2025 Assembly & AGM on Saturday, 28th June 2025.


Ben Elliott is a communication professional.



2024 YBA Assembly & AGM