BigLife & YBA head to India

Starting in October 2024 a group of 11 people from a range of YBA churches started on the Discipleship Pathway with our partner Biglife, who we have been working with for the past 5 ½ years. 

Biglife is a Disciple Making Movement with its roots in Asia where they have seen significant church growth over the past 20 years, as they have applied Biblical principles of disciple making into their context.  Many now around the world are taking these same Biblical principles and working them out in diverse contexts.

At the centre of the Discipleship Pathway is an immersive experience in the Biglife Movement in India, where hearts will be stirred as they see God at work, and minds challenged as they reflect together on the lessons learnt.  The aim is that each team member will return and apply the principles in their settings, and share with their church families.


On Wednesday 15th February 2025 the first team head to Kolkata, via Dubai.  Then a week later as they leave the second team will arrive.  Please pray for safety in travel for all of the teams and that the time spent in India will be inspiring and also one in which lessons are learnt that can be applied here in Yorkshire.

You can follow the team in India via their blog - Big Life Kolkata visit 2025 - and so you too can learn from their journey, and pray for them as they go.

Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) have seen rapid growth over the past 50 years in Asia in particular. 

Biglife is just one of many movements that share common Biblical principles.  The emphasis is that all of us are called as followers of Jesus to be disciple-makers, and as we make disciples then church is a byproduct as believers gather together. 

Our hope is that the teams will be inspired by what they see in India.  In recent years we are beginning to see the same biblical principles worked out in the UK context and with the partnership between Biglife and YBA.  Our hope is that these teams will carry on that focus of disciple making on their return.


Ben Elliott is a communication professional.

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